
Welcome to Westerner Park, where our organization is fuelled by the heartbeat of our community. As stakeholders, your feedback is crucial, shaping our commitment to transparency. The Westerner Park Board and CEO promise genuine engagement, not just communication. Let’s build a legacy in sync with Central Alberta’s pulse. Your partnership is essential for a meaningful journey together.

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What is a Shareholder

Westerner Park Shareholders shall mean any person or corporate entity who owns a share as issued pursuant to these Articles and those referred to as members in the Act. They also must: 

  • be at least 18 years of age
  • be a resident of Alberta for at least 6 months
  • Have a written recommendation from a current Shareholder with good standing
  • Pay a $10 fee to be a shareholder

Benefits of a Shareholder

  • Certificate of your Shareholders title.
  • Opportunity to vote at Westerner Park s Annual General Meeting.
  • Inside knowledge on Westerner Park activities.
  • Invitations to attend internal events.

How to get involved?

If you are interested in learning more, please contact

Phone: 403-343-7800