Up to 4,000 guests
51,460 sq ft
Theatre style
4,117 guests
Banquet style
2000 guests (buffet)
Banquet style
2,200 guests (no buffet)
Trade show
234 (10’x10’ booths)
Ideal For
- Banquets
- Christmas Parties
- Concerts
- Conferences
- Corporate Events
- Galas
- Graduations
- Markets
- Trade Shows
- 500 chairs included in rental
- Large Galleria
- Upper viewing room with elevator access
- 2 dressing rooms with washrooms and shower
- 1 dressing room without washroom facilities
- Box office
- Show office
- 2 bay loading dock access
- Concession (limited) (Guarantee may be required)
- 12x16 stage included in room rental
- 7 covered/skirted rectangle tables